Our Mission: Glorify God and transform the financial industry by serving clients better.

Our company values are based on Micah: 6-8 (“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”). Ark Financial is a faith-based environment which means we openly discuss our beliefs, often pray at the start of meetings, and participate in volunteering initiatives that are in line with our values.

Ark Financial is changing the financial services industry by leading to a new standard. Most financial service firms and advisors offer products and services that often do not align with the holistic best interests of their clients. Ark was formed with transparency, advocacy, and innovation at the core. We believe every family lives more abundantly with a Family Office, and so we have set out to bring the Family Office to every family in the world. A Family Office is more successful at driving towards a family’s goals and objectives because it can successfully coordinate across multiple disciplines, including finance, tax, legal, insurance, and good old-fashioned organization.


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